Naples, Florida and Fort Myers, Florida areas professional dog training and canine behavior counseling business “FINE-TUNED CANINES"
Simba, the American King Shepherd male has graduated from FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train dog training program in Naples, FL
Simba, the American King Shepherd male, has graduated from FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train program in Naples, FL.
Simba has learned a lot of new skills and also conquered some fears, including fear of a vacuum cleaner that used to make him bark, bark, bark. Now the owners have told us that vacuuming is no longer a problem and that Simba remains calm! Good dog!
Congratulations to this very handsome and smart dog and his family!
Oriole, the little Bichon Frise male, graduated from our FINE-TUNED CANINES' Board and Train program in Florida! Congratualtions "little man"!:)
Oriole's new achievements (he learned everything you see in these 2 movies during the 2 weeks he stayed at FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train dog training camp in Florida):
Oriole's new achievements include learning how to:
Oriole also enjoyed socializing in public places and also with other dogs.Oriole snoozing in a car....He used to be very anxious in a car...
He stayed with us longer after his Board and Train to work on some anxiety issues (including car anxiety) and he did wonderful with that as well! Here's a photo and a short movie clip showing Oriole in a car after we worked on his car anxiety:
We are really thrilled that we were able to assist this sweet, affectionate, gentle, loving "little guy" in developing his skills and potential (he's got so much potential!). We're gonna miss this little one and we're wishing him and his fantastic family many new successes!
Oriole, the 7 year old Bichon Frise male dog and FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train dog training program student in Florida
Yesterday, another canine student joined FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train program. Our new student is a 7 year old Bichon Frise male dog and his name is Oriole.
Oriole did not have any previous training and is ready for some new mental challenges and for broadening his intellectual horizons.
Oriole's already learning new skills and he met his canine faculty as well: professor Shakti and professor Chopper. :)
Oriole's major fields of study include "good manner-ology", the "art of loose leash walking" and the "philosophy of barkless living", but this smart little guy's accomplishments will quite likely exceed all expectations.
Remember: it is NEVER too late to start training your dog! Dogs learn their whole lives, just like humans. Proper canine education is a chance for your dog to develop his or her potential and talents.
We are very excited about getting to know Oriole's sparkly personality and assisting him in discovering his talents.
Movie update about Oriole's progress....The training is ongoing...More updates coming soon. Stay fine-tuned!
Find more movies on our Facebook page:
Lucy, the Shiloh Shepherd female - FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train graduateThe year is almost over, and yet another dog got fine-tuned! We love working with all dogs of course, but shepherds are very dear to our hearts (as a Shiloh Shepherd is one of our pack members) and it was our great pleasure and joy to work with Lucy, a Shiloh Shepherd female, who was 14 months old at the time we started her training. Lucy even spent Christmas with us and her owner gave her the best gift: education. The fruits of her schooling will stay with her for the rest of her life.
Lucy is a very smart dog and learned things really fast and she has a lot of curiosity. Lucy loves to have a "job" and enjoys new fun challenges.
She successfully graduated from our FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train program and enjoyed the whole learning experience. She made new human and canine friends. Lucy also got lots of proper socializing experiences and had fun while learning good canine manners, elements of agility training and even how to use a treadmill!
Besides working with dogs, we truly enjoy working with their owners and it was our great honor and pleasure to be able to work with Lucy's owner who did a FANTASTIC job! We're cheering both for Lucy and her pack leader: keep up the great work! :)
More about Lucy, her adventures and and achievements soon...so stay fine-tuned!
FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train program puppy graduate, Jackson, the Golden Retriever male. Fine-tuned Canines offers Board and Train dog training services for puppies in Southwest Florida.We fine-tuned another dog! This time it was our pleasure to work with a young Golden Retriever puppy named Jackson, who was between 4 and 5 months old at the time we started his training. Jackson successfully graduated from our FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train program and enjoyed the whole learning experience. He made new friends, got lots of proper socializing experiences and had fun while learning good canine manners.
Jackson is a good example of a young dog who benefited a lot from early training. His owners are great role models because they are responsible dog owners and pack leaders who provided their puppy with a good education that equipped him with great life skills. Jackson is a pup with lots of curiosity and we were happy to be able to enhance that curiosity and instill in him the desire to learn. Dogs are animals of great intelligence, and only when we humans help them to develop their abilities and potential can they truly blossom like this little pup Jackson did.
As you can see in the graduate photo, Jackson takes his education very seriously too. ;) He learned that good behaviors make his human pack leaders happy and that makes him proud of himself and his achievements.
Dogs are never too young to learn (or too old). The earlier a pup starts to learn, the more proper behaviors he will learn and the sooner he'll become a well-mannered and balanced companion who is a joy to live with and be around.
More about Jackson and his achievements soon...so stay fine-tuned!
Fine-tuned Canines Board and Train puppy graduate, Jackson (Golden Retriever male pup), already working on his retrieving skills. Here he's proudly holding a newspaper.