Naples, Florida and Fort Myers, Florida areas professional dog training and canine behavior counseling business “FINE-TUNED CANINES"
One of our brilliant students, Brodie (we actually nicknamed him Brodie the Brilliant because he's such a smart and attentive dog), a Golden Retriever male, is enjoying himself at FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Brush up program! We're always happy to welcome back our graduate students and observe that the results of the previous teamwork between dog owners, dog and trainer are still in evidence even months after graduation from our Board and Train dog training camp.
Brodie is a joy to have around. He remembers everything he learned here and his owners have done a fabulous job maintaining his skills. Brodie also is very pleased to be reunited with his good canine friends, Shakti and Chopper, and continues to add to his social experiences as well.
At our Board and Brush up (and also Board and Train) dog training camp in Florida, dogs learn, play, get proper socialization and have plenty of adventures too. Here Brodie is enjoying one of his various camp type experiences with his canine friend Chopper at a state park where we took them hiking. They loved watching the kayaks too. The dogs are always ready for adventures and enjoy getting in touch with their inner Huckleberry Finns. :)
FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Brush-up K9 Training Camp in Florida
Dog scouts: Brodie and Chopper are ready for adventure
Socialization is an ongoing process. Here dogs observe people canoeing.
Lucy, the Shiloh Shepherd female - FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train graduateThe year is almost over, and yet another dog got fine-tuned! We love working with all dogs of course, but shepherds are very dear to our hearts (as a Shiloh Shepherd is one of our pack members) and it was our great pleasure and joy to work with Lucy, a Shiloh Shepherd female, who was 14 months old at the time we started her training. Lucy even spent Christmas with us and her owner gave her the best gift: education. The fruits of her schooling will stay with her for the rest of her life.
Lucy is a very smart dog and learned things really fast and she has a lot of curiosity. Lucy loves to have a "job" and enjoys new fun challenges.
She successfully graduated from our FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train program and enjoyed the whole learning experience. She made new human and canine friends. Lucy also got lots of proper socializing experiences and had fun while learning good canine manners, elements of agility training and even how to use a treadmill!
Besides working with dogs, we truly enjoy working with their owners and it was our great honor and pleasure to be able to work with Lucy's owner who did a FANTASTIC job! We're cheering both for Lucy and her pack leader: keep up the great work! :)
More about Lucy, her adventures and and achievements soon...so stay fine-tuned!
Lexi (FINE-TUNED CANINES) socializing a young Golden Retriever pup during his Board and Train program in Southwest Florida.Socializing a puppy is a lot of fun. Everything is new and every experience is fresh... A good pack leader shares the experiences about the world, very much like a mother dog would teach her young pups about the environment.
I truly enjoy seeing all kinds of expressions on a puppy face when he or she discovers new things in their life: new smells, sounds, images, social situations, etc.
Dogs are very social animals and they need to be gradually and properly exposed to a number of various social situations.
During FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train program we provide dogs of all ages with proper socializing experiences and we carefully supervise the type of social experiences that are beneficial to each of our canine boarding school students. Board and train canine students experience new things and discover the world in a balanced way.
Read more about the Board and Train ExperienceThis Golden Retriever puppy is full of curiosity and is getting lots of proper social experiences during his Board and Train program with FINE-TUNED CANINES.