Naples, Florida and Fort Myers, Florida areas professional dog training and canine behavior counseling business “FINE-TUNED CANINES"
Grouper the Dachshund female from Naples, FL and FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train graduate
Grouper, a Dachshund female from Naples, FL (or as we call this wonderful little girl, the "Dashing Dachshund"), has graduated from FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train dog training program in Naples, FL. She did a fantastic job and enjoyed learning new things. Her owners had been previously told that "you can never teach a Dachshund anything". Grouper proved this wrong. This smart little girl learned a lot of things here at FINE-TUNED CANINES and developed new friendships wth other dogs. We were very happy to witness Grouper's transformation into a balanced dog and to guide her so she can develop all her potential and skills (and she has so much potential and so many hidden talents!). Last but not least, we had a wonderful time working with Grouper's owners, who are a great example of what responsible dog owners and pack leaders should be! Go "Team K" and Grouper - we are proud of you all!:)
We are going to miss this sweet little gal and her kisses!
Simba, the American King Shepherd male has graduated from FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train dog training program in Naples, FL
Simba, the American King Shepherd male, has graduated from FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train program in Naples, FL.
Simba has learned a lot of new skills and also conquered some fears, including fear of a vacuum cleaner that used to make him bark, bark, bark. Now the owners have told us that vacuuming is no longer a problem and that Simba remains calm! Good dog!
Congratulations to this very handsome and smart dog and his family!
Dear Friends,
We are extremely excited (in a calm and assertive kind of way ;)) to share some joyful news with all of our Friends, Fans and Clients. We have MOVED!
Yup! It is official! FINE-TUNED CANINES human and canine team has moved to a fantastic new dog training location:
NAPLES, FL (Golden Gate Estates)
where we purchased a property on a piece of land that we hope will soon become a doggie paradise in Florida!
Our human and canine friends will now be able to enjoy even more great amenities. Our clients have often told us that they wished their dog or dogs had a place where they could simply be dogs, where they could run and enjoy some off-leash freedom in a safe way. Especially in a city or a suburban area, dogs and their owners are encountering more restrictions and experiencing less freedom...We have also heard a number of stories about unfortunate events in dog parks that do not check to see whether all dogs entering are physically healthy, possess proper social skills around other humans and dogs, and are balanced. These are the things that we always check (as our clients know). Well - it sounds like wishes have been granted! There will be such a doggie paradise in Naples, FL and it will be at FINE-TUNED CANINES!FINE-TUNED CANINES new dog training location in Naples, FLHere are some highlights of our new place (and more coming soon as we get our hands and paws dirty and do some more upgrading around here):
We will be adding some new services that we hope that our clients and their dogs will enjoy. We will be posting some photo updates soon so please stay FINE-TUNED!
Check our new page about our new dog training location in Naples, FL
Oriole, the 7 year old Bichon Frise male dog and FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train dog training program student in Florida
Yesterday, another canine student joined FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train program. Our new student is a 7 year old Bichon Frise male dog and his name is Oriole.
Oriole did not have any previous training and is ready for some new mental challenges and for broadening his intellectual horizons.
Oriole's already learning new skills and he met his canine faculty as well: professor Shakti and professor Chopper. :)
Oriole's major fields of study include "good manner-ology", the "art of loose leash walking" and the "philosophy of barkless living", but this smart little guy's accomplishments will quite likely exceed all expectations.
Remember: it is NEVER too late to start training your dog! Dogs learn their whole lives, just like humans. Proper canine education is a chance for your dog to develop his or her potential and talents.
We are very excited about getting to know Oriole's sparkly personality and assisting him in discovering his talents.
Movie update about Oriole's progress....The training is ongoing...More updates coming soon. Stay fine-tuned!
Find more movies on our Facebook page:
One of our brilliant students, Brodie (we actually nicknamed him Brodie the Brilliant because he's such a smart and attentive dog), a Golden Retriever male, is enjoying himself at FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Brush up program! We're always happy to welcome back our graduate students and observe that the results of the previous teamwork between dog owners, dog and trainer are still in evidence even months after graduation from our Board and Train dog training camp.
Brodie is a joy to have around. He remembers everything he learned here and his owners have done a fabulous job maintaining his skills. Brodie also is very pleased to be reunited with his good canine friends, Shakti and Chopper, and continues to add to his social experiences as well.
At our Board and Brush up (and also Board and Train) dog training camp in Florida, dogs learn, play, get proper socialization and have plenty of adventures too. Here Brodie is enjoying one of his various camp type experiences with his canine friend Chopper at a state park where we took them hiking. They loved watching the kayaks too. The dogs are always ready for adventures and enjoy getting in touch with their inner Huckleberry Finns. :)
FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Brush-up K9 Training Camp in Florida
Dog scouts: Brodie and Chopper are ready for adventure
Socialization is an ongoing process. Here dogs observe people canoeing.