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Fine-tuned Canines, LLC
4131 6th AVE SE Naples, FL 34117 US
FINE-TUNED CANINES, LLC - Naples Florida and Fort Myers Florida dog training & dog psychology
Contact us | Location: Naples, Florida (Collier County) | Client Login
FINE-TUNED CANINES: Naples Florida Dog Training and Canine Behavior/Dog Psychology Counseling Services - serving Collier County (Naples, Marco Island, Sanibel Island, Florida) and Lee County (Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach, Lehigh Acres, Estero, Bonita Springs, Florida) Naples Florida professional dog trainer and dog behaviorist, Collier County dog trainer and dog behaviorist

IMPORTANT NOTE: Because of personal reasons, Lexi Hayden is currently unavailable for training (until further notice). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
An announcement about restarting the training will be made here on the website and on the Facebook page. Thank you so much for your interest and patience!

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FINE-TUNED CANINES Florida Dog Training Blog

Naples, Florida and Fort Myers, Florida areas professional dog training and canine behavior counseling business “FINE-TUNED CANINES"

Entries in balanced dog training (1)

Oriole: another fabulous FINE-TUNED CANINE Board and Train graduate


Oriole, the little Bichon Frise male, graduated from our FINE-TUNED CANINES' Board and Train program in Florida! Congratualtions "little man"!:) 


Oriole's new achievements (he learned everything you see in these 2 movies during the 2 weeks he stayed at FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train dog training camp in Florida):

Florida dog Board and Train training program - Un-leashing Oriole's potential - Bichon Frise male dogDogs enjoying treadmill exercise and proper socialization - Florida Board and Train camp

Oriole's new achievements include learning how to:

  • walk properly on a loose leash without pulling
  • heel off-leash
  • come when called
  • be polite and well-mannered in various situations
  • be quiet and not bark, squeak and vocalize all the time
  • have nice manners at the door (and remain quiet when the door bell rings)
  • enjoy exercise and use a treadmill (Oriole absolutely loves it now and cannot wait to jump on it and trot)
  • go to a place on command
  • go to a crate on command
  • stay on command (including a long stay when he cannot see a handler)
  • do some fun agility exercises such as hoop jumping and obstacle jumping, jumping up on a place, etc
  • play some new fun games
  • be well-mannered in public places with lots of distractions (smells, noises, people, other dogs), etc.
  • feel confident about himself
  • feel relaxed and confident around his newly adopted "brother" (a Labradoodle)


Oriole also enjoyed socializing in public places and also with other dogs.Oriole snoozing in a car....He used to be very anxious in a car...

He stayed with us longer after his Board and Train to work on some anxiety issues (including car anxiety) and he did wonderful with that as well! Here's a photo and a short movie clip showing Oriole in a car after we worked on his car anxiety:

We are really thrilled that we were able to assist this sweet, affectionate, gentle, loving "little guy" in developing his skills and potential (he's got so much potential!). We're gonna miss this little one and we're wishing him and his fantastic family many new successes!