Naples, Florida and Fort Myers, Florida areas professional dog training and canine behavior counseling business “FINE-TUNED CANINES"
Updated on Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at 10:14 AM by
It is never too late for canine education and FINE-TUNED CANINES is thrilled to have the opportunity to work with a senior this time: a 9-year old Vizsla female named Indiana (Indiana Jones) from Fort Myers, FL. Indiana's "little sister", Jersey (also a Vizsla) came to train with us before and now it is her older sister’s turn to learn some new skills. Indiana is proof that older dogs not only can learn new skills, but that they enjoy learning and having something to think about.
Updated on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at 7:17 PM by
Updated on Monday, March 12, 2012 at 1:18 PM by
Jersey, the Vizsla female dog, at FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train dog training camp in Naples, FL
FINE-TUNED CANINES welcome a new canine Board and Train student - Jersey, a 3 1/2 year old Vizsla female dog. Jersey is learning proper manners, good obedience skills and how to be a pack follower.
Jersey, the Vizsla female dog, is listening carefully to her trainer Lexi at FINE-TUNED CANINES Board and Train dog training camp in Naples, FJersey's a sweet, sensitive dog that can run faster than light. :) She's already making friends and becoming more social in a small, balanced pack of our own dogs at FINE-TUNED CANINES dog training facility in Naples, FL.